Tuesday, January 31, 2006

What a fucking waste

Could the Democrats have found a less inspiring spokesperson than Tim Kaine?

Even Gergen, on CNN right now, describes the Democrats as spineless.

I have been a Democrat all my life. When I was young it was a kick your teeth in party of longshoremen, cops, and intellectuals. Who knows what it is now. But whatever it is it embarrasses me, makes me sick and I'm ashamed to be associated with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Republicans have no heart, but they have a clue.

Democrats have little heart, and hardly a clue.

Voters can barely fog a mirror.

How a country conceived by intellects could wind up being ruled by dolts is sad proof there is no Intelligent Designer.

The USA was a mere accident.

Seems all that's left is to exchange info, write a report, and lament that we don't have insurance.